Teaching Method

Snow ball learning approach:


  • HKLLC has created a special snow-ball building learning program.


  • Through repetition and revision, you can manage the language easily and never forget what you have learned.


  • You will start from very simple and easy vocabulary and sentence patterns and will be guided to construct your own conversation.


  • You are guided to speak, to think and to conduct yourself in a Chinese environment!





  • In order to ensure your simple and systematic learning, staff and language experts at HKLLC have spent years of research to gear lessons to students’ levels and needs.


  • What’s more, HKLLC constantly updates teaching materials to accommodate the ever-changing language environment.


  • Most expatriates say Chinese is one of the most difficult language in the world. But believe it or not, when you have the right weapon and you are really serious about learning the language, it is really a “piece of cake”.